日本語能力試験 JLPT N1に合格しよう! 【語い(言葉)の最終確認問題集#7(意味が最も近い言葉を選ぶ問題25問 )】Final review for the JLPT N1 (No.10)

#JLPT #N1 #日本語能力試験 #漢字 #語彙 #vocabulary
Let’s do a final review for the JLPT N1. This time, I have prepared 25 questions where you choose the word closest in meaning. The format is the same as the actual exam. Let’s practice solving them within a short period of time. You’ll know the correct answers immediately after solving the problems. Keep trying until you get them all right.

Copyright(c) 2023 Yamado Kenji All rights reserved
